Skate City

If we skate 150 skaters we can win a $150 Skate City gift card! $5 meals available $7 admission fee, $5 skate rental, $5 meal deals

Coin Crush

Aurora Frontier P-8 school 3200 S Jericho Way, Aurora, CO, United States

1000 Pages Family Reading Challenge

During the month of March, track the number of pages everyone in your household reads. Once your household reaches a 1000 pages total, turn in the page tracker to your teacher.  All families completing the challenge will be entered into a drawing for one of four gift card prizes. 

March PTO Meeting

Aurora Frontier P-8 school 3200 S Jericho Way, Aurora, CO, United States

Join us for a special presentation by Ms. Araceli Garcia with unique insight into our Frontier Community.