Coin Crush Results
Here are the results from the Coin Crush event last week. Thank you everyone for your support! We raised over $1,400 and all will go towards Field Day this year!
PK: +239 – 1841 = -1741
K: +23,707 – 6050 = +17,657
1st: +16,856 – 4935 = +11,921
2nd: +18, 353 – 4345 = +14,033
3rd: +8000 – 4345 = +3655
4th: +18,346 – 16,025 = +2321
5th: +5832 – 2205 = +3627
6th: +1856 – 4550 = -2694
7th: +3 – 1095 = -1092
8th: +7 – 2195 = -2188
(-) minus includes silver coins which were sabotage points against the grade.