Moon Augmented Reality

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, so what better way to celebrate this historic event than to learn more about the moon with augmented reality? AstroReality is an app that uses augmented reality (scanning an object and providing feedback based on that object) to provide clickable links of images, historical and other data. You can get the whole solar system, but the 3D objects are expensive and the moon poster can be printed for FREE and even works if you scan it from a screen (don’t necessarily need to print). A tablet would be best because of the larger screen to see the information, but even a phone would work.

You can download the app here:
Just download the app, click on the moon button, say you printed the poster, and scan the image below. Then you can rotate the moon on the screen, click links, etc. I think the kids would love something interactive like that.
The AstroReality website has more information and an option to buy the 3D objects if you so choose, but even the free version is so cool!
And if you enjoyed that, they also have an Earth app that offers some neat interactive models of our planet for free that even show the interior.
Happy exploring!

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