Computer Science Education Week Kickoff

CSEdWeek, or Computer Science Education Week, is an initiative to create awareness of the importance of programming in today’s world, provide opportunities for everyone to learn, and inspire the next generation of students.

Why? Because in the 21st century, programming is everywhere, and every child will benefit from learning the basics, even if their interests lie elsewhere and they have no intention of making it their career.

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Chemistry Week and Mole Day

Happy Mole Day and National Chemistry Week!

If you are not familiar with Mole Day, it comes from Avogadro’s number, which is a constant of 6.02 x 1023, and denotes the number of molecules in a mole of a substance. It’s the basis for many chemistry equations and is the inspiration for celebrating Mole Day on 10/23. And what better way to celebrate Mole Day and National Chemistry Week than to do some fun experiments with your kids? Here are some of our favorites to get you started.
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Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Week 4

Our day-to-day life depends on the country’s 16 sectors of critical infrastructure and we play a role in keeping it safe. A disruption to critical infrastructure can have significant and even catastrophic consequences for our nation and daily lives – keeping it safe and secure is Our Shared Responsibility. Check out the infographic below for more information (click on each one for more details):

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