2019-2020 Half Year Report

Curious about where the PTO money is going and how much we raised so far this year? Check out this infographic!

What has the Falcon Frenzy money been used for?

  • 500 pounds of clay for ceramic projects in Art
  • Nice fabric chair pockets for 1st graders that will used for many years to come
  • Winter party treats for 5th and 6th graders
  • Classcraft educational program for 5th graders
  • Scholastic Storyworks subscription for 3rd graders
  • Field trip to Lone Tree Arts Center for 6th graders
  • Various supplies for classrooms
  • Plus more that have not been used yet!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at pto [at]aurorafrontierpto.org.

Moon Augmented Reality

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, so what better way to celebrate this historic event than to learn more about the moon with augmented reality? AstroReality is an app that uses augmented reality (scanning an object and providing feedback based on that object) to provide clickable links of images, historical and other data. You can get the whole solar system, but the 3D objects are expensive and the moon poster can be printed for FREE and even works if you scan it from a screen (don’t necessarily need to print). A tablet would be best because of the larger screen to see the information, but even a phone would work.

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Chemistry Week and Mole Day

Happy Mole Day and National Chemistry Week!

If you are not familiar with Mole Day, it comes from Avogadro’s number, which is a constant of 6.02 x 1023, and denotes the number of molecules in a mole of a substance. It’s the basis for many chemistry equations and is the inspiration for celebrating Mole Day on 10/23. And what better way to celebrate Mole Day and National Chemistry Week than to do some fun experiments with your kids? Here are some of our favorites to get you started.
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